Monday, September 24, 2012

Wheat Free Eating

Recently I have been experiencing problems with exzema on one hand and a few small patches other places. I read something about someone who went on a wheat free diet and it helped their psoriasis alot. So I thought after over a year of trying all sorts of solutions including going to a dermatologist several time that I would check into this wheat free thing.

So I did some searching online and found the Wheat Belly Diet.  I also read other threads pertaining to wheat free eating. I had already cut out bread and now seriously considered cutting out all wheat.

Surprisingly I found wheat is in alot of things I just wouldn't have thought about. Like soups and my sugar free koolaid has a wheat warning. There isn't any wheat as an ingredient but there is a possibility it was processed in a plant where products containing wheat were also processed. So if you are allergic or have Celiac disease then you need to avoid this product. However I am not giving up my koolaid! at least not yet.

We gave up pop a couple of months ago or more. So I drink only water and sugar free koolaid. As I am not diagnosed as allergic I am not going to worry too much about a trace at this point.

Now on to the good news!  My hand has greatly improved and I am so ecstatic for that. I also have been suffering breathing problems for years. I have been wheat free for almost 3 wks and I noticed a few days ago I am not having the suffocating episodes that make me stop and catch my breath every little while when I try to  do anything.  It is sooooo much better.

I have tried to exercise to lose weight and I can't get past doing 10 of any type of excersize like touch toes etc.   Yesterday I tried it just to see how my breathing would be affected and I did 50!!!! touch toes and no breathing problems!!!

I may have discovered a Wheat allergy I didn't know I had.  So I am a firm believer in going Wheat free!!   It may not be for everyone but it is really been good for me

I weighed myself this morning and I have lost 6 pounds in the last 2 weeks.  One of the reasons I started this was to se if I could lose weight the easy way. I haven't done any more exercising and haven't done anything but go wheat and gluten free. 

This may be a life long thing for me now!!    Rhonda

1 comment:

  1. i started the gluten free thing myself about a year ago. I was at a coffee shop for breakfast one morning and they ran out of standard bread. She had only gluten free bread so they toasted it up for me. It was the first time I have ever eaten bread and it didn't hurt afterwards. Years ago I had a friend who worked for a petrolium company and she had an order book there for one of largest bakeries in the country. I asked her what the chemicals were for and she advised me that it was to put in the bread as a preservative. Now that is scary stuff. No wonder so many of us have an issue with it.
