The counter just turned over at 500! Can you believe it?? I started this blog on Sept. 8th 2011. It has only been 15 days! Now I know there are blogs with 51000 or more visits but I am excited at having this much traffic already!! I am having so much fun updating and adding my stuff to it. I have alot of tutorials I want to add as I have time. I also have 3 tutorials in the works that I plan to post soon..
So Thank You all for coming and keep on checking back! I will be adding lots more and I hope to post at least every other day if not every day. When I have grandkids it is harder to find the time. But hopefully you will continue to find inspiring info and I will continue to ramble about my life!! LOL Stuff you may or may not want to know! LOL
Wishing everyone great weather and wonderful family time and creative quilting or crafting time!!!
God Bless you all!